Monday, July 15, 2013

Health Tips for College Students

This article speaks about some health tips for college students. As concerns such as weight gain, unhealthy eating habits and other problems have increased a lot in recent times.

Young age or to be precise, 'teenage', is the most sensitive age of our entire life span! It is this age, where we form good and bad habits and which walk along with us throughout our life. Therefore, it is very much important for each and everyone in this age, to think ten times before doing any new activity. Initially it is just a fascination, however, later it turns into a habit! Not all, but unfortunately, many youngsters have got into unhealthy eating habits, sleeping insufficiently and ignoring regular exercises. Agreed that, tough academic syllabus, frequent submissions, late night studies have all contributed to skeptic schedule! However, how can we forget health and fitness in the pursuit of surviving into this competitive world?

Healthy Tips for College Students

Health is one of the most important aspects in our life. College days are busy and exciting, as we tend to have a lot of activities and studies too. Maintaining a good health, therefore becomes necessary. The following are some college student health tips, that cover diet, exercises as well as sleeping habits.

Start the Day with Cycling!

Apart from regular exercises in the morning, you can head off to your college on your bicycle. Of course, if it is situated at a short distance! Cycling is amongst the best forms of exercise. Or, an even better option is to walk up to your college. These activities will help you burn a lot of extra calories, thereby contributing to a healthy lifestyle.

Hit the College Gymnasium!
Why not? When your college provides such facilities, why not utilize it for our benefits? Going to college gymnasiums and performing well designed workouts with our friends is indeed great fun! An hour of a good and intense exercises or workouts is sufficient to stay healthy. You can also indulge yourself into some sport activities, to keep yourself healthy and fit.

Eat Wisely and Well!
Many students are attracted towards fast food in college. Unhealthy eating and fitness, share a deep relationship between each other. Some students develop habits of eating fast and junk food everyday! However, let me tell you, this is not a wise practice! Eating it once in a blue moon, just for fun or to satisfy hunger immediately, is understood. But following unhealthy habits everyday is not at all justified from the health point of view! Unhealthy eating habits might increase your cholesterol levels and invite health problems that are not generally expected in teenage. Speaking of nutrition tips for college students, the most common advise is to eat healthy snacks and eat a lot of fresh fruits and green vegetables. Eat a healthy breakfast. Do not skip on to any of your meals. Drink more water. On account of our busy schedule, we often tend to drink less water and remember it only when we are thirsty! Water would keep you away from dehydration. So keep sipping small amounts of water throughout the day.

Sleep Well Everyday!
Yes, one of the most important factor that leads too many disorders in college students is insufficient sleep! Most of the college students ignore sleeping and enjoy late night parties, late night studies, working over submissions for the entire night, etc. These are not going to do any good to you! You will lose a lot on your health part. No matter, however good your diet and no matter how regular you exercise. Insufficient sleep would cost your health up to a large extent! Sleep well for around 7 - 8 hours.

Attend Regular Health Check Ups!
College is a place wherein you come in contact with many people. It is quite possible that you might get an infection or not only this, you might also feel over exerted due to busy schedule and excessive stress to your brain. In such cases, it is always better to go for regular check ups. Get vaccinations as per required. Sometimes, the college itself arranges for free health check ups. See that you do not miss on any of those!

Be Happy!
Now we come to the most important of all the health tips for college students! College life can turn quite stressful, if you are into academics, sports, extra curricular and handling many other responsibilities. Running away from them and at the end, making a mess of everything is certainly not the way! To avoid stress, you need to plan things properly. Prepare a time-table, wherein you would devote sufficient time to everything. This would keep stress at bay and in turn, keep you happy!

I suppose college life is the best part of our life! It's this time, when we learn new things, learn to be responsible, have a good time with friends and also study well! All these things should be done will a great zeal and enthusiasm. However, our health and fitness should not be forgotten in this course.
By Ujwal Deshmukh
Last Updated: 10/6/2011
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