Monday, January 7, 2013

How to Reduce Weight in 30 Days

With some smart workout regime and diet plans you can learn how to reduce weight in 30 days. This article will help you to reduce weight naturally, and at the same time you will help you achieve better health...
When aiming at quick weight loss, one needs to focus on some important but basic things. Exercise, a healthy diet and detox are the three important things you need to do to reduce weight naturally. These are the best ways to reduce weight in a month. For a diet, eat more of fresh fruits and vegetables, and less of carbs and fats. Exercise should include both cardio exercises and strength training. For daily detox drink plenty of water, have 2-3 cups of green tea and lemon-water. Here are tips to form a daily routine that is for weight loss.

Tips on Reducing Weight in 30 Days

In the morning first brush your teeth. Then drink a glass of warm water with honey and lemon in it. Lemon and honey both help to reduce weight and clean the body from the inside. So, warm a glass of water and add 1 tablespoon lemon juice and 1 tablespoon honey to it, mix well and drink it.
The next thing you need to is get dressed in your exercise clothes. So, wear sport shoes, tracks and a loose t-shirt. And start with the daily workout.

When aiming at reducing weight to lose weight, the workout should be such that it helps you burn maximum number of calories in a short period. The best fat burning exercise is cardio, but some strength training should also be done.

Among cardio exercise to lose weight the most effective at burning calories quickly are swimming and jump rope workout. So, perform any of these workouts for around half an hour. If you have stamina then you can do cardio for 45 minutes. However, if you are aiming to shed only few pounds then workout for half an hour only, do not push too much.

So, warm up for 8-10 minutes, which can be mild jogging and then swim or do a jump rope workout. If the workout becomes too much at a point, then take a two-minute break, sip a little water and then continue again.

After the cardio it is time to do strength training. For strength training you can follow a workout which involves one muscle per day. This way all the muscle groups can be worked on using strength training throughout the week. However, if you have too much fat in a specific area, for example thighs, then do thigh exercises 3 times a week.
Some examples of strength training exercises you can include in your workout are squats, lunges, superman, ab crunches, oblique crunches, quick hindu squats, belly button exercises, press-ups, pull-ups, etc. When performing strength training take a minute break after every set.
After strength training is finished, take a break of 2 minutes and sip some water. After this perform some full body stretches. Make sure you hold each stretch properly for a count of 10 seconds.
This was the morning workout, now it is time to take the first meal of the day - breakfast. One of the ways to boost metabolism is to have small but frequent meals. When having meals strictly avoid any fried or junk food. Avoid fried and sugary food. Avoid sodas, caffeine and alcohol. Decrease the amount of carbs and fats in your diet, and increase the intake of lean proteins. Use Mediterranean type of fats like olive oil, nuts and fish. This is important because if you don't stick to healthy eating, then it won't be possible to lose weight. So, stick honestly to the diet program.

For breakfast you eat a bowl of mixed fruits, some cereal and milk. You can add other food items to breakfast too, as long as they are healthy.
After this you get on with your daily chores. If you have a job that involves sitting for long hours, then do the belly button exercise whenever you can. For belly button exercise, sit straight and suck your belly in as much as you can, hold for 30 seconds to a minute, and release.
2 hours before lunch have a small snack. This can be a bowl of fruits with some nuts with green tea. During lunch time, have something that has lean protein in it like turkey. Avoid drinking water an hour before and after lunch. This dilutes the digestive juices in stomach.

Throughout the day keep drinking water. Drink at least 2 liters of water. Again have a small snack in the evening, like yogurt with salad, with a cup of green tea.
If you are highly overweight then consider doing 20-30 minutes cardio in the evening too. This will help in further weight loss. This time you can indulge in sports or a dance which you like.
Finally for dinner have something very light. After dinner don't go to sleep. Wait at least for 2 hours and then go to sleep.

This is your daily routine. However, on Sundays give yourself a break from the exercise. Make sure you get enough sleep of 8 hours daily too, and stick to diet program. If you follow the above mentioned tips honestly and regularly, you will see that at the end of the month you have lost a good amount of weight.

By Pragya T
Last Updated: 9/21/2011
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Sunday, January 6, 2013

Best Foods to Eat to Lose Weight

The best foods to lose weight, are those eatables that are packed with nutrients, and take on the roles as effective fat burners. Find out what you can merge with your diet plan, to have you looking fit and lean in no time...

The first step in losing weight, is to have a coordinated plan of action on how to start out on your diet plan. Crash diets may work for you, but once the body starts to eat normally again, it stores all that it receives in order to replace what it lost during those starvation days. There are a variety of the best foods for weight loss out there, that aid those who want to shed the extra pounds.

Top 10 Foods to Lose Weight

Compiled below, are some of the best foods to cut calories, because they only cater to healthy fat build-up, eventually melting down the bad fats stored. Include these items when you have your meals, and notice a considerable change in your outward appearance. You need to also cut down on your portion intake, because the more you eat, the higher the chances for your stomach to bloat/protrude. It's all about knowing how to maintain a healthy balanced diet, along with small-sized meal portions. Look into these diet meal plans for weight loss before you begin your diet routine.

Green tea
Brown bread
Egg whites
Poached/grilled/baked chicken
Fruits (except bananas, mangoes, sapodillas and papayas)
Vegetables (lots of leafy greens and cruciferous veggies)
Grilled/baked fresh fish (white pomfret, mackerel, tuna and salmon)
Flaxseed oil
Peanuts (fistful)

If you want to incorporate some sweetness into your diet, you can eat a small bar of dark chocolate every other day, or prepare healthy weight loss shakes, that you can carry with you when on the run or at home.

List of Foods to Lose Weight

It's good to be aware of the right foods to eat to aid weight loss, simply because the process is jump-started right from day one of your low-fat diet plan. One's metabolism is the highest during the day, so make use of it and pile on the good stuff during the morning and afternoon time. Slow down on the eating when sunset approaches, as the metabolic rate decreases during nightfall.

Natural yogurt (stick to non-fat/probiotic).
Nuts and seeds (go easy on nuts like almonds, cashews, and peanuts; opt for unsalted)
Whole grain foods (pasta, bread and cereal)
Dried fruits
Lean meat (that is, white meat)
Brown rice
Kale (great fat burner; add to salads thrice a week)
Canola oil
Sesame oil
Olive oil
Low-fat cottage cheese
Low-fat sour cream
Spices that increase metabolism (garlic, cloves, nutmeg, chili peppers/powder, cinnamon, mace, jalapeƱo peppers, hot mustard, and paprika).
Protein powders
Non-fat butter/cream cheese
Omega-3 essential fatty acids (flaxseed)

It's a better option to bake/poach food items, since charred eatables (grilling) aren't healthy for one's system. If you do crave grilled meat, try not to indulge in coal-based grilling techniques, but rather electricity powered ones. Remember to also exercise and opt for the staircase instead. Brisk walking even 15 minutes a day, can help you burn more fat in the long run. Even yoga is an excellent way to tone your body up, and lose weight in a more relaxed, stress-free way. I hope that these foods will aid you and others to lose weight; once you witness drastic changes in your physical appearance. It'll only spur you on to lead a healthier lifestyle.

By Naomi Sarah
Last Updated: 1/9/2012
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Best Ways to Help your Spouse Lose Weight

Is your spouse's health becoming a cause of concern for you? Has your spouse gained weight recently, and are you wondering how to help him/her shed it? Read through the following article to get a few tips on doing your bit to help your spouse in his/her mission to lose weight...
I have written this article from a wife's perspective, but the same tips can be followed by a husband.

Weight gain is a delicate issue and needs to be handled with a lot of tact and sensitivity. If your spouse's weight is becoming a cause of concern for you, then talk to him about your concern. Put your views in front of your partner, and let him know that you are getting worried about his health. Tell him that you want to find the cause behind his sudden weight gain, so that you can work on a solution together. Offer help and encouragement, instead of criticism and judgment. Tell your partner that you are with him, all the way, when he makes the decision to lose weight. Here are a few ways in which you can support your partner in his endeavor.

Be Considerate and Supportive
Instead of confronting your partner or telling him that he has let himself go, tell him that his health is starting to get you really worried. Do not accuse him of being lazy. Tell him that being overweight can cause him problems in the future, and that if he is willing to work on the issue, he will have your full support. Keep assuring him that you love him, and want to see him as healthy and happy as possible, and keep giving him motivation to lose weight.

Avoid Constant Nagging

After your partner has decided to lose weight, don't continuously keep nagging him. Everybody gets bored of following routines, and can do with a break once in a while. If he has been sincerely working on his weight reduction, then once in a while, let him have his favorite dish without you breathing down his neck, about the calories he is accumulating.

Make Working Out a Fun Activity
Working out doesn't necessarily mean going to the gym, and sweating it out with an iPod plugged in your ears. Do things together, like trekking, hiking, joining a dance class, going for a walk, playing a sport, etc. Remember to play to work out, and not to win the game! Early morning, late evening and/ or after-dinner walks are easy ways to shrug off inertia and get fit. Doing things together will also give you the chance to spend some quality time with each other, which will help your relationship.

Make Changes in the Kitchen
Starting a diet shouldn't imply giving up on your favorite foods and dishes. Try to substitute the fattening ingredients with suitable non-fat substitutes whenever possible, so that your spouse can enjoy his favorite dishes without piling on the pounds. Try SugerFree or Splenda instead of the normal sugar, non-fat chicken broth instead of butter, try baking or steaming foodstuffs instead of frying. Subtle changes will preserve the taste of the dish, while making it healthier for your spouse.

Address the Root Cause of the Issue
Sometimes, there may be medical conditions causing weight gain, and your partner cannot help himself from putting on weight, and may be equally baffled. Ask your partner if he is OK with getting himself a check up. If not, try finding out the reason. Coax him to consult the doctor. Get blood tests done. Weight gain can be the result of any number of physical or mental health issues, and finding the exact cause of the problem, will put you in a better position to find a solution for it.

Stock Up on Healthy Foods
Instead of stocking up with cakes, puddings, chocolates, fries, Cheetos, and other comfort foods, stock up on fresh fruits and healthy snacks. Get the seasonal fruits, so that your spouse finds an apple in the kitchen to munch on instead of fries. Incorporate leafy vegetables in your cooking as often as possible.

Do Your Bit for Your Spouse
When you know that your spouse is on a diet, do not eat tempting foods in front of him. If you are really craving comfort food, eat it in office or on your way back. Eating things that your spouse isn't allowed to, in front of him, is not going to help him in any way. It will just make your partner angry with you, and weaken his resolve of going through with the diet and exercising. Help your partner as much as you can, in any small way that you can think of.

Avoid Eating Out
Eating out means you cannot have low cal versions of your favorite dishes, which quite defeats the purpose of dieting. When you eat at home, you can monitor the ingredients that go into your dishes and make them healthier. Eating out less will also help in curbing down unnecessary expenditure. Eat at home, eat together, and avoid watching T.V. while having meals. You tend to put on less weight when you watch what you are eating.

Provide Encouragement During Setbacks
When your spouse suffers a setback, don't pounce on him. Compliment him on his progress so far. Tell him that you have confidence in him, that you believe he can stick to the diet and exercise and beat the fat. Keep the positive reinforcement and motivation flowing, and keep egging your partner on. Do not make rude comments or make him feel like he is good for nothing. Be gentle and considerate to help your spouse get back on track.

Lead by Example
If you and your spouse have decided that you'll are going to work out together, then don't skip sessions or walks because you don't need to lose weight. Similarly, if you are attending a function, don't pile your plate high with food that your partner is supposed to stay off. Try to eat what your spouse is eating, to show him that you're really in this with him. You promised "for better or for worse", right? Giving up on tempting food once in a while is hardly the worst thing.

Your spouse needs to know that you love him in spite of the weight he or she has put on. You have to reassure your partner that your love for him is not dependent on his physical appearance. It is going to be a long journey, and your spouse will appreciate your every little effort and gesture, specially the sacrifices you don't really have to make. Be there, give hugs, kisses, compliments, and encouragement liberally and both of you will be stronger and closer as a couple, when you win this battle together.

By Gauri Huddar
Last Updated: 12/29/2011
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Saturday, January 5, 2013

Tips on Losing Weight Fast

If you are tired of trying the same old tips on losing weight fast, we have a few tips which really work. Read into the coming up article to find more about these useful tips for weight loss.

When we reach a certain age, we all become slightly weight conscious. Making attempts to lose weight can be very helpful as there are many advantages of the same, however, these attempts should not turn into an obsession. If you are overweight/obese, losing weight will not only keep you away from all fat related diseases, but will also make you look slimmer and improve your confidence levels. Many people think, working out is the only way you can lose weight, but there are many other things you have to consider if you want to become slimmer. These are more important than simply tightening your muscles, which is what a workout schedule usually does. All you need are some useful tips on losing weight fast which will actually make sense and give you results. These fitness tips on losing weight are mentioned in the paragraphs below. Take a look.

Best Tips on Losing Weight Fast

You must have come across many verbal tips on losing weight from friends and family when you express your weight problems to them. Some tell you to stop eating oily food, some say "quit eating junk", some say drink lots of water, and the list just goes on. But most of them don't seem to help even though you try your best to follow them. This is because, you are either not trying hard enough to see the results or you are not doing it the right way. You can always lose weight naturally and fast without taking up a crash diet.

When it comes to losing weight seriously, you have to make careful attempts to control your diet, exercise regularly and stay away from addictions. When you are determined to lose weight fast, following the appropriate manner in doing that is the only way to get a good feedback. Instead of sorting to starvation diets, excess workout, and other fast ways to lose weight, all you can do is maintain a constant health habit. Thus, you can read into the following tips on losing weight fast and try to use them in your endeavors.

Healthy Diet

The only formula to have a good weight loss plan is a healthy diet and moderate amount of exercise.
Since one of major reasons for obesity and related problems are your diet, you need to make sure you are eating healthy.
Our body requires five main nutrients to function properly and they are; proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals.
All these have their sources in various fruits, vegetables, dairy and meat products.
Thus, if you want to lose weight, the first one of these free tips on losing weight fast is to follow healthy dieting tips. Also avoid over consumption of salt as that can lead to accumulation of fat in your body.
Overeating should be strictly avoided during weight loss, no matter how tempting it is. This can be a very useful one of those tips on losing weight fast for teenagers.

Healthy Drinking

Along with healthy eating habits, it is very important that you are taking care of the liquids in your body as well.
If you are on a weight loss regime, you need to stay away from all types of sodas and aerated drinks as they add up to about 360 calories in a day.
Similarly, fruit juices, diet soda and whole milk are also reasons to add unnecessary calories to your body. Thus, try to avoid over consumption of them, but, since they are nutritious, you can help yourself with one glass a day (no diet soda).
Drink as much water as you can, as your body needs to be well hydrated to remove the extra fat deposition and accumulated toxins from your body. These are the main causes of obesity and therefore, water is very helpful.
Avoid alcohol, caffeine, tea and other such drinks. Warm water with honey and lime juice is surely a quick weight loss booster as it can burn your fat.

Exercise is a Must

When you are looking to lose weight fast and maintain this weight loss, it is essential that you don't give up in the middle of your regime. With a full control on your eating and drinking habits, it is also important to include some regular exercise.
Walking is a great exercise to lose weight fast, so walk at least 10,000 steps per day, not on the treadmill but in fresh air! Spend about 45 minutes everyday doing cardio exercises. You can then do your regular workout for weight loss. Running, jogging and yoga are other great exercises that can help.
For long-lasting effects of these tips for losing weight, you can go through a gradual process of weight reduction. Even though we have described these as, tips on losing weight fast, there's no rush to use them, as speeding through any process is not healthy.

With these simple and useful tips on losing weight fast, all you have to concentrate on is your diet and exercise! Aren't these simple ways to lose weight? Well, go ahead and use them for your benefit and I am sure you will love the results!

By Aparna Jadhav
Published: 2/14/2011
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Friday, January 4, 2013

How to Live A Healthy Lifestyle

Living a healthy lifestyle can definitely help in prevention of several health conditions. Presented below in this article are tips and techniques for living a healthy life.

We all are always advised to follow healthy habits in order to live a healthy life. A healthy, or disease-free life, is definitely what everyone will always look forward to. If you follow healthy lifestyle habits, you will prevent most of the diseases. A healthy and disease free life also boosts your self-confidence and makes you like the way you look and feel. Take a look at the following tips and techniques.

Tips on Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Most of us often wonder what exactly living a healthy lifestyle means? Is it to have a good diet? Or to stop bad habits and personal practices like smoking? Well, these are definitely some of the best answers, but not the only ones. There are several other healthy living tips that you need to follow in order to have a healthy lifestyle. They are:

As mentioned above, having a suitable and balanced diet plays a major role in maintaining proper health. Therefore, avoiding fast or junk food as much as possible, reducing intake of sweet and fatty foods are some of the important points in a guide to healthy living.
Secondly, you need to undertake some physical activity every day so as to help in proper digestion, burning of calories and proper functioning of the body. A daily 30 minutes of exercise; or a jog or cycling can help in keeping fit and also in losing weight.
One of the often neglected points is maintaining proper personal hygiene. If you are wondering what are some good personal habits to have, then note that having a bath every day, wearing clean clothes are some of them that go a long way in helping you have a healthy lifestyle.
At the same time, cleanliness is also one of the major factors that lead to having a healthy life. Wearing clean clothes, living in clean surroundings, getting rid of the clutter and waste around definitely brings in good, positive vibes, leading you to healthy living.
Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption as it contributes in nothing good, but simply leads to body abuse. Alcohol and smoking have been confirmed to be the most common disease causing factors. Therefore, one of the best healthy living tips is to let go of these bad habits.
Have a regular meals and sleep timetable. Having food at regular intervals and on a fixed time everyday helps in prevention of stomach problems. At the same time, sleeping for a full 5-6 hours everyday helps in getting rid of stress. Leading a disciplined life is one of the important healthy lifestyle tips.
Having a positive attitude or being optimistic plays an important role in maintaining health. Being positive helps in avoiding anxiety and depression to a great extent. It also helps in maintaining healthy relationships and coping effectively with pressures and problems.
Lastly, remember that along with work, relaxation and enjoyment are essential. Spending good quality time with your loved ones, going for picnics, taking a break from routine help you have a healthy lifestyle.

Now that you know what living a healthy lifestyle means, start acting on it, right now, and you are sure to see the difference in just a few days. Good luck!

By Madhura Pandit
Published: 1/27/2011
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Why is Health Important?

The importance of health can be viewed from different perspectives. In this article, we have highlighted various facts on why is it important to be healthy...
When we are talking of health, it is not just about a healthy body but also about sound mental health. Good health can be described as the condition where both our body as well as our mind are functioning properly. The main causes behind poor health conditions are diseases, improper diet, injury, mental stress, lack of hygiene, unhealthy lifestyle, etc. Over the past few years, our lifestyle has changed and we often tend to ignore the importance of healthy living in one way or the other.

Why is Health Important to Us?

There are several benefits of a healthy life. Your body becomes free from various forms of disorders and thus, you get a longer life. You can live a life without suffering from any aches, pain, or discomfort. In every sphere of your life, you will be able to perform to the best of your ability. Doing excellent work helps you to be a valuable member of a healthy society. Besides, when you are physically fit, it gets reflected on your face. So, you look attractive and start feeling good about yourself! If you have a fit body, then you can lead a physically active life even after growing old. This is because, the body can heal the regular wear and tear associated with aging faster. In short, health and wellness brings about a drastic improvement in the overall quality of your life.

Why is Health Important in the Workplace?

As an employee, you should take good care of your health, both in the workplace as well as at home. This will make you feel more energetic and you will be able to carry out both simple as well as strenuous tasks without pushing yourself too hard. As your mind and body is free from work pressure and mental stress, you can handle the daily chores at workplace with a positive attitude. You feel motivated to finish off the task at hand and will be interested to work on more number of things. Your mind develops a natural tendency to focus upon the positives and is not bothered much about the negatives. Most importantly, at the end of the day, you can sleep well and you do not have to start the next day with a body ache or joint pain or stomach upset. As a result, you do not need a medical leave too often and you will get your salary at the end of the month without any deductions!

Good health has a positive effect on the productivity of the employees. Therefore, an organization should also give the prior importance to the health care of its employees through its policies. When the organization is showing interests in the well-being of its employees, they in turn will also feel more responsible and loyal towards the organization. It improves employee retention, reduces absenteeism and cuts down on company's health care costs.

Why is Health Important for Children?

Staying healthy for kids is vital for proper growth and development of their mind and body. They require enough energy to spend the entire day in school. They should be able to focus in the classroom and fully participate in the activities on the field. For this, they need proper nutrition which includes carbohydrates, proteins, calcium, minerals, etc. Today, most parents have a basic knowledge of food and health related issues. However, they often fail to understand that regular medical check-up is a must for every child. This helps them to learn from the experts whether the child's development in terms of height and weight is proper. They should also take the child for dental check-up and eye check-up on a regular basis. Even child behavior has to be monitored closely. This way any major health problem can be prevented in future.

Hope you have understood why is health important for every individual, young or old. It has a huge impact on your overall performance and efficiency. In other words, you have a better control over your life. For healthy living, a disciplined life is a must. You have to eat nutritious food and exercise regularly. Stay away from unhealthy habits like smoking and heavy drinking. It is also essential to keep the mind healthy by nurturing the right kind of thoughts and proper stress management.

By Bidisha Mukherjee
Last Updated: 1/21/2012
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Thursday, January 3, 2013

Human Growth Hormone and Bodybuilding

The article deals with facts that explain the relation between human growth hormone and bodybuilding. One should also take into consideration the side-effects of excessive of human growth hormone before using it. A doctor's advise before the intake of supplements of this hormone is recommended.
The human growth hormone is essential for development of our body. This hormone is secreted by the pituitary glands and brings about many different changes in the body. Increase in height, development of muscles and immune system stimulation are the important functions of this hormone. Protein synthesis which brings about muscle development is the most important function of this chemical.

Bodybuilding and Human Growth Hormone
Secretion of human growth hormone by the pituitary gland leads to regeneration and growth of cells in human beings. Somatotrophs (cells) of the pituitary gland secrete this hormone. Human growth hormone is a single-chain, 191-amino acid polypeptide naturally produced in animals. Since the human growth hormone plays an important role in protein synthesis, it is of great importance from the point of view of bodybuilders.

Normal Body Growth

The production of new cells in our body stops few years after puberty. It means that only the already present cells in the body undergo wear and tear and the newer ones replace them. Growth of muscles attained by the body doesn't change after a certain period of time. So what is the reason behind this decline or complete stoppage of muscle growth. It is the reduction in natural human growth hormone levels which causes this kind of decline in the rate of growth of muscles. This normal pattern of muscle development becomes a hurdle if a person is interested in bodybuilding. The human growth hormone supplements come into play if a person wants to bring about the muscle growth through bodybuilding. Generally the human growth hormone (HGH) therapy is generally used for children and older people suffering from deficiency of this hormone. Let us understand the relation of human growth hormone and body building through following paragraphs.

Use of HGH and Bodybuilding

The different facts which explain the relation between human growth hormone and fat loss and bodybuilding are presented below. The process of bodybuilding involves growth of muscles as well as reduction of body fat. A person feels enthusiastic and energetic with rise in human growth hormone levels of the body. It helps in burning body fat, which means that human growth hormone and weight loss are closely related. The only kind of weight gain which results from the use of HGH is due to growth of lean muscles. Let us find few more benefits that result from HGH through points mentioned below. Before getting into the details of benefits of HGH in bodybuilding, one should keep in mind that this hormone is banned from usage by sport persons.

The recovery time is an important factor which influences the process of bodybuilding. It is the resting phase or time needed for muscles to grow after a particular workout. HGH supplements help in reducing the recovery time after workouts; it means that muscles regrow at a faster rate.
The damaged tissues of muscles get healed quickly with the help of HGH. Joints and ligaments in the body are also strengthened by the presence of HGH.
Process of protein synthesis in the body receives a boost by the use of HGH. Level of anabolic steroids in our body also increase due to HGH.
The ability to exercise is increased in people due to HGH intake; it has also been observed that use of HGH gives a feeling of strength.
Increase in cardiac output is one of the important benefits of HGH usage. The efficiency of oxygen consumption too is increased to a great extent. All these factors together contribute in the process of bodybuilding.

Side-effects of HGH
The intake of HGH in right quantities is beneficial for the body. However, it can result into side-effects if not taken in proper amount. The HGH supplements are therefore, known as prescription medications which cannot be used without the permission of doctors. Let us have a look at the side-effects which result from excessive intake of HGH.

Acromegaly is a condition which results from the overdose of HGH. In acromegaly, overgrowth of connective tissue and facial bones takes place. Abnormal hand and feet growth also is observed in this condition; the body gets covered with excessive growth of hair.
Damage to thyroid gland and liver is caused by the overdose of HGH.

Relation between human growth hormone and bodybuilding is explained through different facts presented in the article above. Proper amount of HGH intake under the guidance of medical practitioners should give the desired results. Overdose of this hormone however, results into side-effects.

By Shashank Nakate
Published: 3/31/2011
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Your Body Has A Hybrid Engine

If your body is a machine, it runs on a hybrid engine. With regularly-scheduled maintenance and the right type of fuel, you can put a ton of miles on it without ever needing a major tune-up. And really, who doesn’t want to be cherry for life?

Hybrid cars are cool, aren’t they? The way they seamlessly switch from gas to electric power depending upon the needs of the engine at the moment, and the way they automatically charge their own battery as you drive. You know what’s even cooler? Your body does the same thing - it can run on sugar or fat, and generally runs on a combination of the two. When your needs change, your body changes fuel - and all you have to do is eat.

When You Eat

Say you’re sitting down to a cheeseburger and fries for lunch. Your meal is composed of carbohydrates in the bread and vegetables, and there’s fat in the meat and fries. There’s also protein in the meat, but that goes toward cell repair and isn’t really a good source of pure energy.

As you chew, the carbs start digesting in your saliva. Then the food gets to your stomach, where it’s ground up and dissolved, then pushed into your intestines. This is where the magic happens, where the stomach-mush is further broken down into individual molecules - for the purpose of this discussion, carbohydrates and fats. These molecules slip through your intestinal walls and eventually into your bloodstream, which carries them to where they will be used or stored.


Carbohydrates are just big sugars - in fact, digestion breaks them down into glucose, which is a big energy source for your body. Your body only uses so much glucose at once though, so it converts most of the glucose into glycogen, which is stored in your liver and muscles. Glycogen binds with water during storage, in a 1:4 ratio - which is why carb-heavy meals can make you retain water.


Fats get broken down into triglycerides and other fatty acids, and circulate in your bloodstream - they are your body’s main source of fuel most of the time, because they’re great at providing energy for slow activity like sitting at a desk or just walking around.

It’s true that excess fat gets stored as fat, but that’s true of carbohydrates and protein too - your body isn’t one to waste perfectly good fuel just because it doesn’t need it at the moment, so it fills up your fat cells for a rainy day. This is why your abs aren’t flat and your butt’s too big - a simple case of hoarding fuel.

Aerobic Activity

Say you go out for a walk. Slow, easy movement, just a comfortable stroll. If you just ate, your body may be burning a mixture of carbs and fat. If it’s been an hour or more, you’re likely running on mostly fat. You’re feeling good, trucking along, so you break into a spontaneous run. At this point, your body cannot process the fat in your bloodstream fast enough to fuel what you’re doing, so it turns to your stored carbs, glycogen, instead. You begin breathing heavy, because converting glycogen back into glucose requires the presence of oxygen. Your heart starts beating faster because it needs to pump your blood fast enough to transport the oxygen to where it’s needed. This fuel system is pretty efficient in all but the most out-of-shape people. Marathon runners rely almost exclusively on this system for the entire race until the final sprint. If you go too long, though, you "bonk" - which means your glycogen stores run out, and you simply cannot go any further, at which point you naturally slow down and switch back to fat burning.

Anaerobic Activity

So you’ve been walking again for a while, and a bear jumps out at you from behind a tree. Do you continue walking? No. Do you break into a jog? No. You sprint for your life, giving everything you’ve got to just go, go, go. You can barely breathe, heck, you can barely think. You’re placing such a demand on your body that the process of converting glycogen into glucose is just too slow - so your body starts burning pure fat. Yes, fat fuels ultra-intense activity, but it doesn’t last very long. The greater the demand, the more short-lived the supply. This is another reason the body stores fat - extra reserves to dip into if necessary. It’s also why high-intensity exercise leans you out more quickly than moderate cardio.

So yeah, your body switches fuel sources all time, like a finely-tuned machine, although most of us burn a combination of fat and sugar most of the time - it’s just the exact ratio that varies. If you eat a carbohydrate-heavy diet and you eat frequently during the day, you’ll notice that you get very used to a frequent influx of meals - that’s because you’ve trained your body to run primarily on glucose, and when the last infusion is gone, your body demands more. It’s also why it’s hard for you to lose weight - because your body is not used to burning fat, so it never dips into its fat stores. If you were to follow a Ketogenic diet, which is composed mainly of fat, your body would be so used to using fat as a fuel source that a very slight calorie deficit would send your bloodstream running directly to your love handles.

Your body is a machine, more intricate and beautiful than any new piece of technology out there. It’s just very important to keep the maintenance up.

By Buzzle Staff
Published: 10/12/2012
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Isopure Zero Carb Review

Interested in knowing the Isopure Zero Carb? Then go through this article to know more about this energy boosting supplement...
I guess its hard to find someone who is not on the outlook of fast weight loss programs and fast body building workout regimes that recommend use of supplements. If you happen to check, there are 'n' number of diet plans, diet menus, weight gain and weight loss supplements, body building supplements, protein supplements and energy boosters available in the market today. Here we are talking about such an energy supplement and a protein booster which is generally used by body builders after workouts. It's true that natural protein foods are better off to give that much-needed amount of energy, however, these protein boosters do the same in less time and that too efficiently.

Firstly, what needs to be understood is that when individuals indulge into hard-core workouts, they always have to rely on protein and energy boosters to make their muscles fresh basically recovering from, or making up for, the nutrient and energy loss during the workout. The main aim behind using Isopure Zero Carb protein shakes and drinks is that these help preserve muscle mass, facilitate muscle-building and of course help body building. The name itself indicates that it is made of 100% pure proteins with no blending of two or more protein powders. Let's the check the reviews of the powders as well as the drinks.

Isopure Zero Carb Protein Powder
If you have checked the ingredients of this ready-made protein powder, these are made up of whey protein isolate (around 40 grams per serving). How are whey proteins useful? Whey protein gets absorbed in the body tissue very easily as compared to the casein protein powder. The biological value of this protein is more owing to which it is used up at a faster rate than other powders available. Whey protein powder is mixed with water to make protein shakes at home. The taste is not that likable of course, however, the after effects of consuming this powder are excellent.

Isopure Zero Carb Protein Drink
Along with the mentioned protein powder, the Isopure Zero Carb drink is popular amongst people these days. The reviews suggest that these protein shakes are mainly preferred because people are comfortable with its taste which is light and refreshing in contrast to whey protein taste that is chalky, turbid and unpleasant. The drink is beneficial mainly because it doesn't have sugars, carbs and aspartame in it. If you check online, you will realize that the Nature's Best Isopure Zero Carb drink is immensely popular and surely the best muscle-building supplement for men recommended by people as well as athletes. One bottle after the workout works excellently for all. The best part is, it is available in various flavors like Alpine Punch, Apple Melon, Blue Raspberry, Grape Frost, Icy Orange, Mango Peach, Passion Fruit, and Pineapple Orange Banana, which makes them ever so popular. Isopure Zero Carb drink is made up of beta lactoglobulin, alpha lactalbumin, immunoglobulin, bovine serum albumin, and lactoferrin along with number of amino acids like isoleucine, leucine, valine and glutamine, which are the best energy boosters ever.

The overall review suggests that these are trustworthy protein boosters as compared to other powders or drinks available in the market and are surely bodybuilding supplements that work. Another advantage being one can do online shopping for the same though they might turn out to be a bit expensive. I hope you got the info you needed on Isopure Zero Carb reviews. Use them but don't become habitual.

By Mrunmayi Deo
Published: 11/26/2010
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Pre-Workout Supplements

Pre-workout supplements will give you an energy boost to aid you with your workout, they are used by many bodybuilders to increase the intensity and duration of their workout regimen.
Pre-workout supplements have worked wonders for men and women who workout, these supplements have made it possible for them to attain their fitness goals in quick time. A lot of people who workout hit a stage when they are not making any progress and just plateau. This is a critical time because this is the stage when most people stop working out as they can't see results. To avoid this situation it is advisable that you look into some pre-workout supplements reviews and pick a product that suits you. Try weight gain supplements if you want to build lean muscle mass, just before your workout. Some of the ingredients that you should look for in supplements are glutamine, creatine, amino acids, etc.

You should consider products with ingredients that fuel muscle growth and give you instant long-lasting energy boost. Choosing pre-workout supplements isn't an easy task and most have to go through the trial and error method to find one that suits their body. Some opt for testosterone supplements while others go for protein supplements. Many bodybuilders recount that there is no one product that works for all, however there are a few indicators that will help you choose a good product. Here are a few ingredients that will boost your energy levels.

Our body naturally produces creatine to supply energy to the muscles, it is mostly produced in the liver and kidneys. You can acquire creatine through foods like beef, tuna, salmon, etc. however taking creatine supplements is the best form to get this energy booster. The main reason behind taking supplements is that you don't have to cook them in oil and spices to get to the energy source. Creatine is known to improve lean muscle mass and increase energy levels in athletes. Some studies have also indicated that creatine also assists muscle recovery.

Amino Acids
They aid muscle recovery, growth, help develop muscle tissue and play a vital role in boosting energy levels. Amino acids can easily gotten from food sources like meat, dairy products, and even vegetables. They are responsible for enzyme production in the body, and therefore play a great role in breaking down the proteins we consume. This broken down protein is then supplied to the muscle which use it as a form of energy. Amino acid supplements are also known to increase the testosterone and hemoglobin levels.

The body uses glutamine as an energy booster for the immune system and when we workout glutamine levels fall quickly. So to boost the levels or have adequate energy for your weight training workouts take glutamine supplements. Taking glutamine supplements also helps reduce the percentage of muscle breakdown which happens due to inadequate levels of glutamine. It is also known to maintain cell volume and hydration hence assisting quick recovery when we workout. Glutamine is also one of the major ingredients in many weight gain supplements for women and men.

When choosing pre-workout supplements look for things that will suit your wallet and fitness needs, try to check with your friends what has really worked for them. Also maintain a tracking sheet with your measurements so you can measure the effectiveness of the supplements. Here are a few bodybuilding supplements.

MusclePharm Assault
It has ingredients like creatine HCL and suma root which not only boost energy levels but also improve mental focus. The product also has other ingredients which are building blocks of muscle strength and size like arginine. All the ingredients are natural and are quite safe to use, the product is also priced at USD 35 and is considered affordable taking into consideration the results.

Universal Animal Pump
This product is also made with a creatine base and is considered to be effective when it comes to pre-workout supplements for women as well as men. It has a combination of potent cell volumizers with a nutrient delivery system to assist. It also has some great stimulants that promise to give you a boost of energy when you workout. The product is priced at USD 30.95 and is considered to be one of the best pre-workout supplement.

Anadraulic Pump
This product has ingredients that block enzymes that destroy arginine, this helps maintain high energy levels. It also claims to improve the anabolic hormone levels in the body and give you a good pump when you exercise. The product is priced at a reasonable USD 22.49 and also tastes great.

Pre-workout supplements will give you an energy rush that is essential for a great workout and help you break some training barriers. They are especially good for those who are going through an energy slump due to the routines of daily life.

By Indrajit Deshmukh
Published: 1/15/2011
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Waxy Maize

A relatively new post workout nutrient, waxy maize has taken the world of bodybuilding by storm. What does this 'miracle' nutrient have to offer? Let's take a look.

The latest development in the world of bodybuilding is that the consumption of waxy maize supplements eliminates the need for heavy carbohydrate consumption in other forms after a workout. Waxy maize is a post-workout complex carbohydrate that is suggested to body builders and athletes for regular consumption. It is claimed that this supplement does not cause the discomfort that is caused by consuming various other types of carbohydrates such as dextrose. Waxy maize is extracted from cornstarch. It is so called because when viewed under a microscope, it has a wax-like appearance. This property is only associated with its appearance and has nothing to do with its taste. Here, we will talk about the many benefits of waxy maize and how consuming it may not be such a bad idea after all.

Also known as waxy maize starch, this carbohydrate enters the blood stream and is absorbed by the muscles quicker than other types. It's molecular weight is greater than other carbohydrates such as dextrose and maltodextrin, which allows it to absorb essential nutrients quicker and help the body better. As such, it gives the body the following benefits:

Because waxy maize has a low osmolality, it reaches the muscles sooner than any others, and enables muscle fullness that gives the body a well built appearance.
This complex carbohydrate has the ability to absorb other nutrients quicker that gives the body a naturally healthy feeling. Some people have found an increase in skin tightness and texture after consuming it regularly.
The nutrients that are lost in the process of working out are quickly delivered to the body upon consumption after a workout. This means the body is healed quicker from any injuries that may have occurred while working out.
Overall, athletes and bodybuilders have found an improvement in their performance while working out, which is why most of the reviews have been found very positive.

A lot of athletes are concerned about the consumption of waxy maize vs. dextrose. The reviews regarding the former are more positive because it does not cause problems such as water retention and bloating, that are known to be caused by the consumption of dextrose. However, it is also true that dextrose is not a bad post workout carbohydrate in any way. While it may perform slightly slower than waxy maize, all these years, it has been the choice for a post-workout drink. The only concern many have with waxy maize is that it is slightly more expensive than dextrose. The former is available for about US $3.50 - $4.00 per pound, while the latter is available at US $1.50 - $2.00 per pound. The difference is not vast, but some have raised this concern regarding this nutritional supplement.

Waxy maize should be consumed on its own, without adding any other nutrients to the drink. It easily dissolves in water, and should be consumed in an amount that is appropriate to your body's requirements. To understand what an appropriate amount would be, it is important that you consult a dietitian before you consume it. The reason it is suggested that waxy maize be taken on its own is because consuming it with other products such as creatine, glutamine, etc. will reduce its effectiveness, and the rate at which it is absorbed by the muscles. If you wish to take any other supplements do so about 15-20 minutes after you have taken this one.

As you can see, most of the reviews of waxy maize have been positive, and it is only after you try it yourself will you be able to see the difference it can make to your body. A lot of people have been criticizing this relatively new product, but there is no strong basis for this criticism. Most athletes have benefited and simply felt better after consuming it regularly. So try it yourself, and you will figure whether you want to continue taking it or switch back to good old dextrose.

By Puja Lalwani
Published: 1/21/2011
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Muscle Milk Ingredients

The most popular supplement for weight and exercise buffs, is Muscle Milk from CytoSport. Scroll below for an ingredients list of this product.
From bodybuilders to weight watchers, athletes at professional and college level, Muscle Milk is the ideal supplement to a training regime and active lifestyle. What you eat, after and before a workout, makes a big impact on your body, and for restoring energy and nutrients, while maintaining low fat content, there's nothing like Cytosport's Muscle Milk. It is ideal as a meal replacement for people looking to lose weight. This award-winning formula is lactose and trans-fat free, contains no high fructose corn syrup and has a good shelf life. Plus it excels in the market, because of its superior taste and flavor, varied enough to suit a number of palates. In this article, the original, light and collegiate Muscle Milk ingredients are listed, with a brief overview of each product.

CytoSport Muscle Milk
The original formula, for building muscle, weight management and nutrient intake. Muscle Milk is lactose free and gluten-free, so even those with allergies can consume it safely. The formula is made up of 32 grams high protein mix, 20 minerals and vitamins, balanced with low-sugar content and essential fatty acids. It comes in both powder form and ready-to-drink mix (11 oz, 14 oz, and 17 oz sizes). This drink mix is recommended for use by performance athletes, muscles builders, or even a meal replacement option, for those on a diet. There are 20 flavors in powder form, and 5 flavors in RTD (Ready To Drink) form.

Powder Form
• Calcium and Sodium Caseinate
• Whey protein isolates and/or concentrate
• Milk protein isolates and/or concentrate
• Whey peptides
• L-Glutamine
• Taurine
• Lactoferrin
• Maltodextrin
• Sunflower oil
• Medium chain triglycerides
• Canola oil
• Soluble corn fiber
• L-Carnitine
• Alkalized cocoa powder
• Natural and artificial flavors
• Vitamin mineral blend
• Fructooligosaccharides
• Crystalline fructose
• Potassium Iodide
• Potassium Chloride
• Cellulose gum
• Salt
• Acesulfame Potassium
• Xanthan gum
• Carrageenan
• Sucralose
• Soy Lecithin

Contains ingredients derived from milk and soy, manufactured in a plant, that processes milk, soy, wheat, and eggs.

RTD Form
• Water
• Calcium and Sodium Caseinate
• Milk protein isolate
• Cocoa powder
• Maltodextrin
• Sunflower oil
• Canola oil
• Natural and artificial flavor
• Fructose
• Whey
• Potassium Citrate
• Vitamin mineral blend
• Medium chain triglycerides
• Potassium chloride
• Cellulose gum
• Soy lecithin
• Monosodium Phosphate
• Acesulfame Potassium
• Sodium hexametaphosphate
• Carrageenan
• Sucralose
• Salt

Contains ingredients derived from milk and soy, gluten free.

CytoSport Muscle Milk Light
Muscle Milk Light is a reduced calorie version, of the original Muscle Milk formula. It is recommended for people, with a high fat content, who want to gain muscle, while losing weight. This lower-fat variant is a better way to maintain energy and nutrient intake, while cutting down on the calories. Light Muscle Milk nutrition facts include 35% less calories, 25 grams of proteins per serving, and a blend of carbohydrates and essential fatty acids. It is completely lactose-free. Muscle Milk Light comes in powder and ready-to-drink form (14 oz).

Powder form flavors are: Chocolate/vanilla crĆØme/cake batter/strawberry milkshake/ banana crĆØme/cookies 'n crĆØme/peanut butter chocolate. RTD flavors are as follows: Chocolate/vanilla/cafe latte.

Powder Form
• Calcium and Sodium Caseinate
• Whey protein isolates and/or concentrate
• Milk protein isolates and/or concentrate
• Whey Peptides
• L-Glutamine
• Taurine
• Lactoferrin
• Maltodextrin
• Sunflower oil
• Medium chain triglycerides
• Canola oil
• L-Carnitine
• Alkalized cocoa powder
• Natural and artificial flavors
• Fructose
• Potassium Iodide
• Potassium Chloride
• Cellulose gum
• Salt
• Acesulfame Potassium
• Xanthan gum
• Carrageenan
• Sucralose
• Soy lecithin

Contains ingredients derived from milk and soy, manufactured in a plant, that processes milk, soy, wheat, and eggs

RTD Form
• Water
• Calcium and Sodium Caseinate
• Milk protein isolate
• Cocoa powder
• Digestive resistant Maltodextrin
• Sunflower oil
• Canola oil
• Natural and artificial flavor
• Whey
• Potassium Citrate
• Vitamin mineral blend
• Medium chain triglycerides
• Potassium chloride
• Cellulose gum
• Soy Lecithin
• Monosodium Phosphate
• Acesulfame Potassium
• Carrageenan
• Sucralose
• Salt

Contains ingredients derived from milk and soy, gluten free

CytoSport Muscle Milk Collegiate
This is a special blend of the original Muscle Milk formula, designed solely for college athletes, for a better performance on the playing field. It helps in muscle and tissue repair, from injuries and maintains a balanced diet for an athletes weight and nutritional needs. Comes in powder form and RTD tetra packs of 11 oz. The nutritional content here, is a multi-source protein mix, carbohydrates for energy and endurance, and Aminogen, to aid in protein digestion.

Powder flavors: Peanut butter chocolate/cookies n' crĆØme/chocolate milk/vanilla crĆØme/strawberries 'n crĆØme/banana creme. RTD flavors: Chocolate milk/vanilla crĆØme/strawberries 'n crĆØme/banana creme

Powder Form
• Maltodextrin
• Calcium and Sodium Caseinate
• Cocoa powder
• Milk protein isolate
• Whey protein concentrate
• Whey protein isolate
• Natural and artificial flavors
• Hydrolyzed whey protein
• Medium chain triglycerides
• Canola oil
• Sunflower oil
• Vitamin mineral blend
• Buttermilk
• Aminogen
• Potassium Chloride
• Cellulose gum
• Soy Lecithin
• Xanthan gum
• Lactoferrin
• Monosodium Phosphate
• Acesulfame Potassium
• Carrageenan
• Sucralose
• Salt

Contains ingredients derived from milk and soy

RTD Form
• Purified water
• Caseinate
• Milk protein isolate
• Crystalline Fructose
• Microcrystalline cellulose
• Maltodextrin
• Sunflower oil
• Natural and artificial flavor
• Whey
• Potassium Citrate
• Vitamin mineral blend
• Medium chain triglycerides
• Potassium Chloride
• Cellulose gum
• Soy Lecithin
• Monosodium Phosphate
• Acesulfame Potassium
• Carrageenan
• Sucralose
• Sodium Hexametaphosphate

Contains ingredients derived from milk and soy

The best time to take Muscle Milk is, 30 to 45 minutes after a workout or game. It can be consumed during meal times, as a meal replacement, or a supplement with meals. The RTD variant of Muscle Milk is especially convenient, for a quick and portable supplement. It is necessary to go through Muscle Milk ingredients thoroughly, prior to consumption, to safeguard against allergies and sensitivities. Your diet should go in accordance with your training and nutrition needs. Remember Muscle Milk is not a wonder drug or medicine, for best results maintain an active lifestyle, and eat regular foods as well.

Healthy Eating at the Office

Most Americans struggle with maintaining healthy eating habits while at work. From office cafeterias to vending machines to the irresistible pull of the fast-food crowd, it can be difficult to make the right food choices while on the job.

The Problem with Office Food

It’s a common practice for offices to provide free or low cost snacks and drinks for employees. Different offices have different cultures surrounding food provision. Some offices maintain a food and drink budget and task their office administrator with keeping the kitchen well-stocked. Others have vending machines and cafeterias available. The common factor that unites all these office food cultures is a desire to keep employees happy, rather than a desire to keep them healthy.

If your typical work week involves a large amount of soda, candy, potato chips, donuts, and cinnamon rolls, you are not alone. These treats might make the workday go by just a little bit faster and easier, but have you considered the effect that prolonged office snacking is having on your health and your waistline? By now, it isn’t news to anyone that a diet of soda and candy bars can have unpleasant consequences, so maybe it’s time we took a closer look at the alternatives to sugar-filled office food.

Getting Everyone on Board

One problem is that unhealthy snacks are easy and readily available, especially if the office provides them for free. Bringing healthy alternatives from home is one option; of course, but this doesn’t remove the temptation of the candy jar or bowl of chips. A better way to address the problem is to get the whole office involved. Chances are, coworkers will be sympathetic to the idea of improving the quality of what’s in the office kitchen. Office administrators could be resistant to change at first, but if everyone works together to come up with ideas for better snack choices, the change won’t require too much extra money or effort.

It’s Not About Counting Calories

Examining the quality of what you consume at work is about more than just counting calories. You might think that your office snacking habits aren’t a big problem because you usually skip breakfast or lunch, so a pack of hard candies here and there won’t make a difference. We have to remember that the quality of the calories we eat is every bit as important as how many calories we eat. If you skip breakfast and eat candy instead, you are likely to experience a brief period of energy fueled by refined sugar, followed by a hard afternoon crash, so you won’t be feeling your best. A diet high in refined sugars could have long term consequences, as well.

The Importance of a Good Breakfast

We aren’t always able to change our work environment in the ways that we want to. Some businesses have contracts with snack providers, so the unhealthy snacks in the vending machine are not up for debate. In these situations, it’s still possible to improve our office diets. Eating a good, well-rounded breakfast is an important first step. If we skip breakfast and arrive at work hungry, we are likely to give in to the temptations around us. With a good breakfast in our stomachs; however, those candy bars and sugary energy drinks won’t seem nearly as interesting.

Take Control of Your Day

Employees can work together on a small scale to improve their diets even if they can’t change office habits. If you and a few other people pool your money to stock up on granola bars, yogurt, or other healthy snack options, the trend could catch on. Even if it doesn’t, you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing that you took control of your workday to improve your health and quality of life. And your waistline will thank you.

By Buzzle Staff
Published: 10/11/2012
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Effects of Unhealthy Eating Habits

The effects of unhealthy eating habits have people turning a blind eye towards them, than actually confronting the matter. Learn about what can happen if kids and adults alike, continue eating unhealthy food at the same continuous pace..
Food in all its forms, be it sugary topped cupcakes, chocolate fondant covered cakes, or a sizzling hunk of steak with a side of cheesy fries - our senses are vulnerable, and our stomachs scream out in anticipation. So where do we draw the line between what's healthy, more than enough, or terribly wrong to overindulge ourselves in? Our minds work on one principle - when food looks good (automatically inviting), ours minds program those perceptions to understand that what we see, will most definitely taste heavenly. The instant turnoff for people is when one mentions the words 'vegetables' or surprisingly 'fruits', or even 'nuts', as a healthy snack option. Why have we tuned our minds to only take in what is pleasing to the senses, without giving the healthy options a try?

Kids especially, are brought up eating the most unhealthy of foods. Parents don't really put much thought into what they place into their kids' mouths, because it seems easier than having to cook up a wholesome meal. So days go on by with microwave dinners, packaged snacks, ready to eat pasta, sugary eats, carbonated drinks, and the works. The effects of unhealthy eating habits will catch up with us soon enough, where it won't be very amusing when you go through the repercussions. Parents, young adults and the elderly, need to understand that their bodies are fragile, and can at any given moment, succumb to the effects of an unhealthy lifestyle.

Risks of Unhealthy Eating Habits

When you eat foods and drink beverages laden with sugar, salt, preservatives, sodium and aeration, you are going to let your health roll downhill as the months progress. I know what it is like to live out a life that revolves around food and inactivity. All it did was make me bigger, turn down the volume of my conscience, and make me eat even more. Years later, I thank my self-confidence for getting me on the right track and making me eat a whole lot healthier than I ever did.

» Decreased Metabolism

Your metabolic rate is what allows you to burn food, where the higher it is, the faster it is likely to empty out your stomach. That way when you keep your metabolic rate running with 6 mini sized meals (healthy mind you), you allow it to stay up and pulsing within a span of two hours from the last meal to the next. Combine that with exercise, and you have a strong metabolic rate that allows you to burn fat and stay in shape without adding on any unwanted calories. When you eat the wrong foods, your metabolic rate is interrupted by the inflow of toxins and chemicals that packaged foods contain. The liver, in an attempt to filter these out, slows down its functioning and lets fat accumulate in the body over time.

» Obesity Issues
The world's number one problem and much battled against issue, is obesity. Kids, young adults, and the aged, all suffer from this, where some try to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle, while the rest throw caution to the wind and continue onward. So what exactly is obesity? It is when one overeats to a point where their stomach becomes quite accommodating to the food load, as a thick fat layer forms on the outside the stomach lining. Encasing your stomach is a fatty deposit that builds over time, thickening and spreading to other parts of the body. One then has cells coated with fat, along with a set of clogged arteries that make it hard for blood and oxygen to freely pass. Problems you will face; delayed menstruation (women), breathing problems, heart diseases, diabetes, weakened bones, loss of muscle, and so on.

» Immunity Takes a Toll
As the bad eating habits escalate, one's immunity takes a backseat, and the system is an open ground for infection and other disease-causing agents. The body loses its ability to ward off these oncoming presences, making one fall ill often, where it takes a lot of time for the body to heal and get over a sickness. Eating the wrong foods can force the system to degenerate slowly, since when the body is young, the body can handle the burden. It is important to eat right, and to go on a scheduled diet to get one's health back in line before it's too late.

» Problems with Conceiving (for women)

A woman when overweight, cannot conceive a child because of the enlarged abdomen's pressure atop the uterus. She is then prone to experience miscarriages, or will not be able to witness a positive pregnancy test. Hormones in the body aren't balanced out, and this can have an effect on a woman's ability to bear a child. Obese women are told by doctors that they need to lose weight, in order to be able to have children.

» Developing Eating Disorders
The problem with not eating right is when one convinces him / herself that they need to desperately lose weight, thus resorting to unhealthy methods to achieve this. Anorexia and bulimia are two dangerous eating disorders that hamper one's health, and can ultimately lead to death. Women will experience a change in their menstrual cycles, will not have a healthy set of eggs for fertilization, and will often suffer from miscarriages, as a result of unacceptable eating habits.

The effects of unhealthy eating habits can easily be avoided if one were to eat wisely, live a life of being active, and get involved in living it to the healthiest. There are so many ways on how you can switch to healthy eating. You could start by signing up for a yoga class, taking your problems up with a dietitian / doctor, and taking a hard look at your life on areas that need improving. Not only will you look great, but you'll feel great too. Notice as a plus point how your overall self-esteem skyrockets. Have a healthy tomorrow.

By Naomi Sarah
Last Updated: 10/7/2011
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Healthy Diet Plan

Are you thinking of going on a diet? There are many types of diets, from healthy ones to fad diets. Read on to know about a healthy diet plan.
A healthy diet is a key ingredient to a long and healthy life. Finding the right diet can be an intimidating task. Most of us try tons of fad diets only to realize that the results are either temporary or not what we expected.

A healthy diet does not have to include tasteless and bland food. The key is to eat everything in moderation. Our body requires proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals and vitamins apart from fibers, antioxidants and fluids. These can be ensured only by a healthy diet plan. We do not need to starve ourselves to lose weight. All we need is a well-planned healthy weight loss diet plan.

A nutritious diet ensures to help maintain a healthy Body Mass Index (BMI) and also reduces the risk of several debilitating diseases like cancer, cardiovascular ailments, diabetes, osteoporosis and stroke.

Healthy Diet Meal Plan
For any healthy diet meal plan, it is important to set realistic and attainable goals. The main goal should not only be to lose weight but also, to provide our body with all the necessary nutrients. You can start by following the basic guidelines below.

To increase your metabolism consume 4 to 6 meals instead of 3 meals. It is not advisable to go without eating for more than three hours.
Have lots of water.
Inclusion of fruits and vegetables is a must. Try to include at least 5 vegetables and fruit servings each day. For example you can try to incorporate fruits by including bananas in cereals, strawberries in yogurt and cherries for dessert.
Include whole grains in your diet. e.g foods like oatmeal, brown rice and crackers. Stay away from refined grains such as pasta and white rice.
Try to use olive oil while cooking.
Try to avoid red meat and include low-fat meat and poultry. Example: chicken breast or grilled salmon
Try to increase the intake of dark-colored vegetables. They are packed with antioxidants and vitamins.

Healthy Food Groups
Only one kind of food cannot provide all the necessary nutrients required by our body. For a healthy diet, it is necessary to incorporate all the food groups. There are five main healthy food groups:

Cereals and Pulses
Poultry, fish and meat products

A balanced diet of all the above groups will ensure essential nutrients. Also keep in mind that it is not only a requisite to include all the food groups, but also a variety of food items within each food group. It is crucial to understand that lack of consumption of any of the food groups and nutrients will result in accumulation of toxins in the body, resulting in chronic diseases in the long run.

One crucial fact that people tend to forget is that our mind is full before our brain realizes it. Eat slowly. Do not have your meal while watching T.V. Take breaks while eating. If you are still hungry after five minutes, then continue with your meal. The key is moderation in eating a healthy diet. Plan your diet to help manage diseases like diabetes and high cholesterol.

Food Myths and Facts
There are lots of myths and misconceptions about food and our eating habits. Here are some of them.
Myth Fact
Eating most of your calories in the evening promotes weight It does not matter when you eat it, you will gain weight if you eat more calories than you burn
Fat free is calorie free Some people consume an excess amount of fat-free food. What they do not realize is that these foods will probably contain the same amount or sometimes even more calories than their original versions
Carbohydrates (or sugars) cause weight gain Any kind of food group does not cause weight gain unless it is consumed in excess. Some people who consume a diet with excess carbohydrates and not enough proteins and fats tend to get hungry, which results in overeating
Exercise makes you eat more Research has shown that people who exercise for 20 minutes or more do not eat more than usual

It is important to realize the connection between a wholesome balanced diet and good health. To maintain good health, one needs to follow a healthy diet plan and lead a healthy lifestyle.

By Kritika Parwani
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Fruit Diet Plan for Weight Loss

Fruit diet plan has myriad health benefits apart from weight loss. This diet plan can be your key to good health and well-being. Read on to know more...

It is no secret that fruits have immense health benefits. While it is known that your daily diet must consist of at least 1 - 2 servings of fresh fruits, the concept of living only on fruits is relatively new. Fruit diet plan program, also known as fruit flush diet or fruit diet, is extremely low on calories, hence apt for weight loss. Apart from the obvious benefit of weight loss, fruit diet plan also offers detoxification and rejuvenation. Most people come out of this diet program, lighter and energetic than before. Let us know what this diet plan for weight loss is all about.

Fruit Diet Plan for Weight Loss
Fruit diet plans can be of various types depending upon the duration and diet menu. An 'all fruit' diet plan usually lasts for about 3 days. During this diet plan, you are supposed to eat only fruits and a small amount of proteins. Proteins are to be consumed on the first day of the diet, to prevent the body from burning muscles. Start your day with protein shake and consume 1 - 2 servings of fruit for lunch. Eat lean protein and fruits for dinner on the first day. For the next two days, you can start eating fresh fruits every two hours of the day. Eat only a small amount of protein on these days.

The fruit diet plan works by burning fat in your body. As this diet is extremely low in calories, your body needs to burn fats for additional energy. Besides, a lot of weight loss comes from water retention in the body. Fruits get rid of accumulated toxins and wastes in the body, which again contributes to weight loss. During a 3 day fruit diet program, you can lose as many as 9 pounds.

Fruit Diet Plan Menu
While it is absolutely alright to gorge on any fruit of your choice, there are certain considerations when it comes to choosing fruits. Firstly, you should always eat fruits that are of finest quality. Dried and canned fruits should be avoided while fresh fruits should be given a preference. Also, choose low sugar fruits such as apples and grapefruits over high sugar fruits such as melons, grapes, etc. Combining different types of fruits is also not recommended. Hence, while having a fruit serving, make sure you only eat fruits of one type only. While mixing oranges and grapefruits is fine, mixing either of these with melons is not.

You may start your day with a high fiber fruit like banana and then eat apples, oranges, melons, berries or cantaloupes at every 2 hour interval. Also, proteins that you choose for dinner must be strictly lean and come from healthy sources such as fresh fish, egg whites, etc. Protein shake must be low in sugar and devoid of any artificial additives. Supplement your diet with lots of fresh fruit juices and water. Increasing fluid intake can speed up the detoxification process.

Fruit Diet Plan Drawbacks
While there are many advantages of following a fruit diet, there are also certain drawbacks which need to be taken into consideration. Firstly, fruit diet plan calories are extremely low and not sufficient for day-to-day functioning of the body. Thus, you are likely to get exhausted easily, if you exert yourself. Besides, this diet lacks vitamin D, B12, healthy fats, calcium, etc., all of which are extremely essential for the body. Hence, continuing this diet plan for long may create nutritional deficiencies. If you must follow this plan, it is recommended that you supplement it with healthy sources of fat such as olive oil, flaxseed oil, low fat dairy and raw vegetables. Including healthy carbohydrates such as whole grain cereals and bread are also required to give your body a boost of energy.

Thus, a fruit diet plan for weight loss indeed works, but it works best when you combine it with other healthy foods. Weight loss achieved through such healthy and balanced diet is likely to be of more permanent nature than achieved only through fruit diet.

By Ashwini Kulkarni Sule
Published: 6/20/2011
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Fruit Diet Plan for Weight Loss

Fruit diet plan has myriad health benefits apart from weight loss. This diet plan can be your key to good health and well-being. Read on to know more...

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It is no secret that fruits have immense health benefits. While it is known that your daily diet must consist of at least 1 - 2 servings of fresh fruits, the concept of living only on fruits is relatively new. Fruit diet plan program, also known as fruit flush diet or fruit diet, is extremely low on calories, hence apt for weight loss. Apart from the obvious benefit of weight loss, fruit diet plan also offers detoxification and rejuvenation. Most people come out of this diet program, lighter and energetic than before. Let us know what this diet plan for weight loss is all about.

Fruit Diet Plan for Weight Loss
Fruit diet plans can be of various types depending upon the duration and diet menu. An 'all fruit' diet plan usually lasts for about 3 days. During this diet plan, you are supposed to eat only fruits and a small amount of proteins. Proteins are to be consumed on the first day of the diet, to prevent the body from burning muscles. Start your day with protein shake and consume 1 - 2 servings of fruit for lunch. Eat lean protein and fruits for dinner on the first day. For the next two days, you can start eating fresh fruits every two hours of the day. Eat only a small amount of protein on these days.

The fruit diet plan works by burning fat in your body. As this diet is extremely low in calories, your body needs to burn fats for additional energy. Besides, a lot of weight loss comes from water retention in the body. Fruits get rid of accumulated toxins and wastes in the body, which again contributes to weight loss. During a 3 day fruit diet program, you can lose as many as 9 pounds.

Fruit Diet Plan Menu
While it is absolutely alright to gorge on any fruit of your choice, there are certain considerations when it comes to choosing fruits. Firstly, you should always eat fruits that are of finest quality. Dried and canned fruits should be avoided while fresh fruits should be given a preference. Also, choose low sugar fruits such as apples and grapefruits over high sugar fruits such as melons, grapes, etc. Combining different types of fruits is also not recommended. Hence, while having a fruit serving, make sure you only eat fruits of one type only. While mixing oranges and grapefruits is fine, mixing either of these with melons is not.

You may start your day with a high fiber fruit like banana and then eat apples, oranges, melons, berries or cantaloupes at every 2 hour interval. Also, proteins that you choose for dinner must be strictly lean and come from healthy sources such as fresh fish, egg whites, etc. Protein shake must be low in sugar and devoid of any artificial additives. Supplement your diet with lots of fresh fruit juices and water. Increasing fluid intake can speed up the detoxification process.

Fruit Diet Plan Drawbacks
While there are many advantages of following a fruit diet, there are also certain drawbacks which need to be taken into consideration. Firstly, fruit diet plan calories are extremely low and not sufficient for day-to-day functioning of the body. Thus, you are likely to get exhausted easily, if you exert yourself. Besides, this diet lacks vitamin D, B12, healthy fats, calcium, etc., all of which are extremely essential for the body. Hence, continuing this diet plan for long may create nutritional deficiencies. If you must follow this plan, it is recommended that you supplement it with healthy sources of fat such as olive oil, flaxseed oil, low fat dairy and raw vegetables. Including healthy carbohydrates such as whole grain cereals and bread are also required to give your body a boost of energy.

Thus, a fruit diet plan for weight loss indeed works, but it works best when you combine it with other healthy foods. Weight loss achieved through such healthy and balanced diet is likely to be of more permanent nature than achieved only through fruit diet.

By Ashwini Kulkarni Sule
Published: 6/20/2011
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Endomorph Diet Plan

The endomorph diet plan consist of foods containing high proteins and high fiber. Read on to find out more on endomorph body type and the suitable diet for people with this body type.

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Not all human beings are alike, and one of the major characteristic that differentiates an individual from the other is his physical features or body type. Similarly, people are also classified according to their ability to gain or lose weight and muscles. Based on this, people are classified into three types: ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph. Here we will see more on the diet plan for endomorph body type.

Endomorph Body Type
People belonging to this category are heavyset and have a rounded body. They are heavily built and have rounded waist. These people are obese, or have a higher tendency towards obesity and gaining weight. People with this body type have a slower metabolism and hence, fat is not burnt quickly. The calories consumed by these people quickly turn into fat. Therefore, these people tend to gain weight even when they consume less amount of food. Carbohydrates, specially, are not processed effectively leading to weight gain. At the same time, these people also have a difficulty in losing weight. Therefore, they need to follow a diet, and proper lifestyle methods, to prevent weight gain.

Diet Plan for Endomorph

People with this body type should follow certain rules and restrictions about diet to avoid quick weight gain. As in any diet plan, it is essential to reduce intake of unhealthy foods like fast food, as they contribute to weight gain. Following is the endomorph diet plan that should be followed regularly by people with this body type.

As mentioned above, these people cannot process carbohydrates, and hence, the intake of carbohydrates should be reduced. This does not mean that they should not eat carbohydrates at all. They should avoid eating refined carbohydrates; and rather eat slow absorbing carbohydrates as they do not convert into fat. You should have complex carbohydrates like whole wheat products, whole wheat bread and pasta, brown rice, oatmeal, cereals, etc.
The diet should also consist of high amounts of proteins as they help in burning fat. You should consume eggs, lean chicken, lean fish, beans, lentils, low-fat dairy, etc. Having sugar free protein bars for snacks is also an excellent way of gaining proteins and keeping hunger at bay. Protein supplements are not necessary if you consume foods rich in protein every day.
Having a high fiber diet is also essential if you wish to boost metabolism. Fiber enhances metabolism, helps in burning fat and is also a healthy appetite suppressant. Healthy fiber is found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, etc.
Intake of fat should be very low (only 15-20% of the total diet). You should have only healthy sources of fat like nuts, seeds, peanut butter, to fulfill the daily requirement of fat. You should get rid of all the other fat containing foods.
Water also plays an important role in boosting metabolism which is essential for people with this body type. You should consume 7-8 glasses of plain drinking water every day. Water also helps in getting rid of the waste from the body and detoxifies the body.
Lastly, one of the most important tip is to have smaller meals (4-5) throughout the day, and not 3 large ones. You can have light snacks and meals after every 2-3 hours, as this also helps to burn fat quickly.

Along with this diet plan, people with this body type should also exercise regularly to lose weight faster. Aerobics and cardiovascular exercises like swimming, walking, running, jogging, are the best exercises to lose weight. Following the endomorph diet and exercise plan will surely help in losing weight and also maintaining a healthy weight. Good luck!

By Madhura Pandit
Published: 4/1/201
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